Budget has a full selection tailored to island needs from Sedans, Jeeps, SUVs, Vans and Trucks. Whether you are here on vacation, for business, visiting friends and family, or a resident in need of a vehicle, choose Budget!
Hours vary seasonally. Call if flight delayed!
• Henry E. Rohlsen International Airport 7:00 AM – until last flight. Our counter is located right near baggage claim, and our offices are located on site.
• Christiansted (Prince St. across from Seaplane) LIMITED HOURS 9am-1pm
Call 340-778-4663 to arrange pick up or drop off after hours or on weekends.
• Frederiksted Cruise Ship Pier (only on ship arrival days; limited availability )
Budget St. Croix has infant and toddler car seats available, roadside safety net, additional driver options, and loss damage waiver options. You can choose these when reserving your vehicle. Pre-paid gas is also an option when you pick up your vehicle.
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